Whether it’s walking into a deep forest, standing in the middle of a local park, or feeling the sensations of your fingertips in the earth as you sow plants in a window box. Spending time in nature gives us an opportunity to step away from the routines of our daily life. It provides a peaceful and still space that supports us to be fully present in enhancing our self-awareness and connection to the natural world.
Nature has a way of reminding us we have a place in the larger universe. It evokes a sense of awe and wonder, supporting us to gain perspective and understand that we are part of something much bigger than ourselves.
With the support of an experienced nature well-being guide to enhance a connection with self and the natural world, we can allow ourselves to cultivate personal growth, self-awareness, and the discovery of “we are not alone”.

Nature instils in us a simple and authentic way of being. It has the ability to foster acceptance, for us to know that we don’t need to hide behind either the masks we have applied to ourselves, or masks we allow others to apply to us.
It inspires us to embrace our true selves and allows us to let go of the expectations and pressures others can place upon us.
Nature will present us with challenges and obstacles that push us out of our comfort zones. It can lead us down that difficult thorny path where we question if this is the right way, or should we stop, or turn back.
Eventually a beautiful vista of the self is revealed to us. We overcome these challenges by building resilience and self-confidence.

As we begin to get to know ourselves in the comforting beauty that is the natural world. We give ourselves permission to discover our strengths and capabilities. We embark on a journey of self-discovery, self-reflection, and personal growth leading to self-compassion and self-awareness.
Nature serves as a powerful environment for self-development and self-awareness. An opportunity to change gives the chance to connect with ourselves and the world around us in profound ways.